About Caritas
Spiritual life
For volunteers
The activities of Caritas include
all people in need, regardless of their ethnicity,
nationality, religion, social status
and other features
This man was considered a good Christian. He has never ceased to pray. He prayed in the morning and in the evening. And of course in the night, too. We can say that this man was a "spiritual" person because he thought a lot about God and constantly read the Bible. In addition, he always participated in the Sunday service and assisted in the parish. The only thing he could not understand why there are so much poverty and misery in the world. He could not get it how God, who is so good and almighty, could create such an imperfect world full of injustice, wars, lies, diseases, and.... poor people.
He was shocked by encounters with beggars in the street when they were begging, dirty and foul-smelling. Very often he thought about them in his prayers and asked God why He allowed that there are the poor, orphans, people with AIDS, the homeless, etc in the world? If God is good, how he can endure all the evils in the world? If He is almighty, why he cannot solve this problem once and for all?
One day he went out and suddenly run into a little girl begging at the corner. Her clothes were dirty and torn; the naked body was covered with sores, a swarm of flies circled around them. The girl had barely enough strength to reach out her emaciated hand. She seemed to pierce with a gaze from the depths of her mournful eyes those few men who honored her with their attention. Our spiritual man walked beside her and stared into her eyes. He could not understand why this innocent little girl had to suffer? Alcoholics and people with AIDS were in his opinion themselves responsible for their misfortune, but what has this poor girl done?
Not far from the place where the beggar was standing was a church. He went there. There was no one inside. And he began to talk to God: "God Almighty and Eternal! I do not understand why there is so much evil in the world. I cannot believe that you, so kind and gracious, do not want or cannot solve this problem. Dear God, why do the innocent suffer? Why does this poor girl suffer so much?" The tone of his prayer was gradually increasing. In the end, he became angry and shouted: "God, what have you done that this girl would not suffer?"
On that day, God got tired to hear the same complaints from this man, and he answered. Our spiritual man could clearly hear the answer in his heart: "You are asking me what I have done for this girl? I have done a lot for her: I created you!"
Our hero petrified. Today he don’t ask God for report any more, because he realized that he has two arms and two legs, he has ears and heart. And he uses them to serve the poor. He began to realize what is happening in the world, and his prayer and his Eucharist become truer. Because now he knows that a person would not be in peace with himself and with God, if he does not come to help the brothers and sisters in need who come across our way every day.
If you are that brother or sister, this story has become mine ... and yours!
Rev. Mariano Jose Sedano Sierra,
Spiritual Advisor of Caritas St. Petersburg
Spiritual Advisor of Caritas St. Petersburg
Since 13.11.2001 (Decree No 294) to present - Spiritual Advisor of Caritas St. Petersburg
Director of Caritas St. Petersburg
From 16.08.1988 till 02.08.1999 - teacher in the school for children with special needs in the city of Tikhvin;
Since 02/08/1999 to present - Director of Caritas St. Petersburg
Accountant of Caritas St. Petersburg
Since 08/12/2003 to present – accountant of Caritas St. Petersburg
Leader of the project
Irkutsk Polytechnical Institute, qualification - mining engineer and geophysicist
Working at Caritas St. Petersburg in the city of Luga since 1998
Leader of the projects:
Leningrad Order of Lenin and Order of Red Banner of Labor State University named after Zhdanov, qualification - Slavic philologist, interpreter and teacher of Polish and Russian languages and literature
Working at Caritas St. Petersburg since 03/09/2001 to present
Leader of the project
Working at Caritas St. Petersburg since 2004 to present
Leader of the project
Coordinator of children’s aid projects of Caritas St. Petersburg
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (Poland), qualification - social worker and political scientist
Working at Caritas St. Petersburg since 08.01.2007 to present
sister of the Order of St. Catherine of Alexandria
Leader of the project
Qualification: nurse
Working at Caritas St. Petersburg since 2004 to present
Leader of the project
Saint-Petersburg Academy of Acmeology, Qualification - psychologist, teacher.
Working at Caritas St. Petersburg since 01.09.2008 to present
Leader of the project
St. Petersburg State University, qualification - psychologist, teacher of psychology.
Working at Caritas St. Petersburg since 01.09.2010 to present
Leader of the project
Working at Caritas St. Petersburg since 2004 to present
Leader of the project
Leader of the Internal Caritas Service for administrative and
Transportation supply of charitable projects
Leningrad Academy of Agriculture, qualification - agronomist.
Working at Caritas St. Petersburg since 1998 to present
Leader of the project
Leningrad Pedagogical Herzen Institute, Qualification - psychologist, teacher.
Counseling psychologist, full member of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, owner of the European Certificate of Psychotherapy.
Working at Caritas St. Petersburg since 2004 to present
Leader of the projects
Qualification: Nurse.
Working at Caritas St. Petersburg since 01.02.2002 to present