We help
We ask you for help
For volunteers
The activities of Caritas include all people
in need, regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, social status
and other features.
The aim of our work:
to become a source and a life center in the acts of solidarity, support and service to peoplein need. The organization's activities cover all kinds of social support and self-help initiatives, are being carried out on the non-commercial basis, and are based on Christian and humane values.
The main goal of our project is to respond to the needs of people, to support them timely and to render help where public social services have not enough expertise and resources.
The main goal of our project: prevention of children's neglect and socialization of the children and adolescents in need.
Our programs help to save lives of children before their birth. After all, human life is priceless from the moment of its conception and it mustn't depend on the life circumstances of the mother.
The main goal is to make appropriate help more available for the addicted persons and their relatives (low-barrier help).
Our goals are:
The main goal of our project: to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, thereby guaranteeing them the right to life.
Project mission: To improve the quality of life for lonely St. Petersburg citizens of the elderly age (guarantee of round-the-clock medical care, consumer service, rendering of spiritual, psychological, and social help).
The main purpose of our education is to increase the professional expertise of professionals working in the field "person to person".
Training in caring for the elderly and the sick Training in helping people with addiction disorders Education in the Caritas Social School
Mrs. Doris Epple was awarded by the Governor of St. Petersburg with the Badge of Honour "For Mercy". The badge was given to Natalia Pevtsova in the City Hall of St. Petersburg on the 29th of November at 16 o’clock.
Духовный наставник:
священник Мариано Х. Седано Сиерра, cmf
Тел.: +7 812 310-81-29
е-mail: [email protected]
Певцова Наталия Анатольевна
Тел.: +7 812 272-34-06
е-mail: [email protected]
«Центр социальной помощи»,
«Патронажная служба»
197349, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Рябиновая, д. 18
Тел.: +7 812 304-29-41
е-mail: [email protected]
Руководитель: Крамущенко Алина
"Ресурсный центр для для беременных женщин,
женщин и семей с детьми, находящихся в
трудной жизненной ситуации"
Адрес: СПб, ул. Рябиновая, д. 18 (3 этаж)
Наш телефон +7(981)7554510
Время работы: пн-пт с 10.00 до 18.00
Эл.адрес: [email protected]
Руководитель: Анастасия Лисанова
«Информационно-Консультативный Центр
по проблемам зависимого поведения»
197349, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Рябиновая, д. 18
Тел.: +7 812 304-23-17
е-mail: [email protected]
Руководитель: Галияхметов Радик
Столовая для малоимущих «Татьяна»
197198, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Введенская, д. 9
Тел.: +7 812 232-98-53
Руководитель: Яковлева Елена
«Каритас в г. Тихвин»
187553, Ленинградская обл.,
г. Тихвин, 6 микрорайон, д.11
е-mail: [email protected]
Руководитель: Гусева Лилия
«Центр поддержки молодых инвалидов
им. Епископа Малецкого»
193144, Санкт-Петербург,
ул. Кирилловская, д.19
Тел.: +7 812 710-21-67
Руководитель: Ольга Максименко
«Социальный подростковый клуб
190005, Санкт-Петербург,
4-ая Красноармейская, д. 15
Тел.: +7 812 317-82-71
Руководитель: Ирина Левина
«Дом Каритас для одиноких и
пожилых людей»
197349, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Рябиновая, д. 18
Тел.: +7 812 304-36-45
е-mail: [email protected]
Руководитель: с. Андриана Годлевска
«Дети в нужде» г. Луга
188238, Ленинградская обл.,
г. Луга, ул. Ленинградская, д.8
Тел.: +7 812 2-17-48
Руководитель: Шкраба Людмила
We are a charitable organization fulfilling the social ministry of the Catholic Church.
We contribute to the revival of principles of the Christian mercy and charity in the society.
The aim of our work:
to become a source and a life center in the acts of solidarity, support and service to peoplein need. The organization's activities cover all kinds of social support and self-help initiatives, are being carried out on the non-commercial basis, and are based on Christian and humane values.
Today the world is full of evil, injustice and suffering. Social rejection, environmental disasters, famine, diseases, poverty and loneliness - this all is next to us and around us.
We do not have any special recipes and solutions to eliminate the problems existing in the world. But through our service to those in need, we try to remind people about the true values - compassion, understanding, love, and patience. We always remain an island of hope in an ocean of poverty, violence and absurdity.