(Russian) Помощь людям с ограниченными возможностями

Люди с ограниченными возможностями

 Руководитель проекта

Алина Крамущенко

"Сопровождение  лиц, ухаживающих за больными в домашних условиях и стационарах"

в рамках национальной программы " Патронажная служба Каритас в России"

Адрес: 197349, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Рябиновая, д. 18
Тел.: +7 812 304-29-41, +7911-263-40-85
е-mail: [email protected]


Руководитель проекта 
Центр социальной помощи Каритас в г. Тихвин 
Лилия Гусева

Адрес: г. Тихвин, 6 микрорайон, д.11
Тел.: +7 81367 5-07-35

Руководитель проекта

Константин Соколов

"Инклюзивный Центр дневного пребывания для молодежи, имеющей особые потребности в Санкт-Петербурге"

Адрес: 193144, Санкт-Петербург,

ул. Кирилловская, д.19
Тел.: +7 911-240-87-71


"Профилактика эмоционального (профессионального) выгорания родителей, родственников и опекунов, проживающих совместно со взрослыми инвалидами с ментальными нарушениями, в том числе во время вынужденной самоизоляции"

 Адрес: 193144, Санкт-Петербург,

ул. Кирилловская, д.19

Тел.: +7911-001-88-24



Home-Care Training in St. Petersburg

The project purpose is to establish home-care training and counseling centers in Russia in order to improve the health and living situation of the disabled and elderly people and to improve the care quality of public medical and social services.

The program includes:

  • home-care trainings for relatives, public social workers and nurses;
  • round-table discussions on problems of seriously ill patients;
  • supplying the families with wheelchairs and other rehabilitation equipment;
  • publishing leaflets and brochures about home-care.
«Патронажная служба Каритас» г. Тихвин
Social Care Center in Tikhvin

The purpose of the program is to improve the life quality of ill, elderly and disabled people and to improve home care services, to develop self-help resources of the patients, to increase expertise of medical and social workers and other categories of  home caregivers.

The project’s goals:

  • we organize consultations,
  • we provide them with rehabilitation equipment,
  • we teach relatives and volunteers how to care for lonely elderly people and invalids,
  • we attract attention of society and the state to problems of bed-ridden patients.

The program purpose: to establish a laundry service for the disabled with limited mobility.  More than 10 persons (having no physical ability to wash the bed-clothes by themselves) give their bed-clothes to a Caritas laundry. The clothes are being picked up by a Caritas worker, thus they don’t even need not leave their apartments. The laundry is situated in the apartment of one of our volunteers who is also a disabled person (30 years in a wheelchair). Nevertheless, she washes more than 30 kg clothes a month. A Caritas minibus delivers bed-clothes to the laundry and back to the disabled persons.

“Bishop Malecki Center of Support for Young Disabled Persons”

Day-Care Center for disabled children and teenagers with mental and physical retardation.

The program purpose is to make disabled children and teenagers (with mental and physical retardation) more independent, to help them in finding a worthy place in society; to support parents, whose children visit the program, to give this children an opportunity to communicate; to make an appropriate place for rehabilitation of the young disabled, occupational therapy workshops (potter's, joiner's, musical, etc.); celebrations, meetings.