We need your hands and hearts!

Ways to help

"But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth."
1 John 3:17-18


(Russian) Фонд Президентских грантов

Today in Russia there are many unsolved social problems. Deprived of a guaranteed government support, a man is left alone with his problems. The problems are getting complicated if the person is alone or lives in a family that can neither understand him nor accept his pain. This person needs help...



About us

We are a charitable organization fulfilling the social ministry of the Catholic Church.
We contribute to the revival of principles of the Christian mercy and charity in the society.



What we do

The aim of our work:

to become a source and a life center in the acts of solidarity, support and service to peoplein need. The organization's activities cover all kinds of social support and self-help initiatives, are being carried out on the non-commercial basis, and are based on Christian and humane values.



You can help

Today the world is full of evil, injustice and suffering. Social rejection, environmental disasters, famine, diseases, poverty and loneliness - this all is next to us and around us.
We do not have any special recipes and solutions to eliminate the problems existing in the world. But through our service to those in need, we try to remind people about the true values ​​- compassion, understanding, love, and patience. We always remain an island of hope in an ocean of poverty, violence and absurdity.



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