We help
We ask you for help
For volunteers
Dear friends! The "Little Island" will take a sofa, an armchair and a round table as a gift. Thanks to everyone who responds!
Thanks to everyone who responded to our request for donations for a lawyer for two wonderful children and their mother. Thank you Anna Nikolaevna, Maria Victorovna, Mariana Sergeevna and all. Thank you for being with us, because only together, drop by drop, we will do a good deed.
Dear friends! Helpers and volunteers! Thank you for being with us and making our lives fun, exciting and full of all sorts of clever things! This week on the "Little Island" we do the homework, study English with Nigora, act with Sergei and play a lot! And last week Alexander Khairetdinov came to the "Little Island".
The wards of The Bishop Maletsky center took part in the interactive lesson "There was a city front, there was a siege" in honor of the day of lifting the Leningrad siege in A.I. Herzen library ( 27 Novgorodskaya Street) 30 January 2017. It was told to the visitors of the library about the siege. Also the guests knew about N. Hoja's book "Road of life". In conclusion of the evening, the children read poems about the siege and sang songs about the "Road of life".
The seminar organized by Department of external сhurch relations of the Moscow Patriarchate was held in Moscow on 27-28 January 2017. It was attended by the head of the project "Resource center for pregnant women and families with children in difficult life situations" Anastasia Lisanova and nurse of the project Natalia Shapoval.
It was a training for professionals on the topic of assistance to pregnant women who find themselves in a situation of life choices to keep or not to keep an incident pregnancy.
A decision that a women must to accept in a short period of time, can forever change her life. Who can she talk with about it? How can a person (a qualified psychologist, a doctor, a priest) help a woman to make an informed decision? How can he or she talk with her on this difficult topic? How can he or she support her after the choice has already made?
With The Leningrad Victory Day!
Dear veterans, a good health, a peaceful sky and a long life!
Dear readers, friends and helpers!
If you read our news, you are caring people, interested in what mercy and charity is, how to help people in distress.
Since the first of September 2014 Caritas Saint-Petersburg has helped the people affected by the violence.
It is awful, but among our wards there are children who became victims of violence, including sexual. These are children, little sufferers, who have learned pain and betrayal of adults. They don't trust parents, they are closed and very badly injured. Their mind is on the border of disease. It is very important for them that the person who made them evil was punished, as their own physical strength is not enough to protect themselves.
Today I ask you for help.
We need 60 000 rubles.
The sum is for a good cause: the payment of the services of a professional lawyer representing in court the interests of young brother and sister, victims of sexual violence in family.
The 25th anniversary of Caritas activity was celebrated in Moscow
The priest Igor Kovalevsky: "Caritas was created in a difficult time after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when many people were unexpectedly below the poverty line and in need of the essentials. At that time foreign charities came to the aid of people, structures of Caritas involved in the work on the distribution of that aid.
But Caritas was aware from the beginning that it was not just a charitable organization created by the Catholic Church. The Latin word "caritas" means love, and "karos" ― something precious. God is a supreme value for Christians, and it was God's love that Caritas sought to convey to all people, regardless of their religious affiliation".
Details and photos: https://goo.gl/A8QxVu
More than 100 people in need of full hot meals and fellowship come to us in the dining room every day. For many of our wards lunch in the "Tatiana" is the only hot meal of the day. Whenever possible, the staff try to pay attention to each visitor, to speak "heart to heart", to make small gifts for the holidays. So it was before Christmas! Was a holiday lunch and the gift: tea and biscuits!
Thanks to our Doris for not forgetting us and trying to make the life of our wards happier, brighter and easier.
"we live as we can, and they as we help them...."
Staff and volunteers of the Centre reveal to the children the diversity of our world, expand their horizons and teach to navigate the city visiting various public institutions. During classes of SBO and Cooking children learn to serve themselves independently, to plan the budget, to do shopping and cooking.
This week our dear "chudesniki" have visited a wonderful exhibition "The most beautiful country"!